Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Weekly Update at the Flip House May 4, 2014

Last week was a busy week so not a whole heck of a lot was done at the flip house but here's what has changed since the last update:



I painted two coats of white paint on the posts, around the front bedroom window, and around the living room window.  From a distance it looks good but up close it still needs one more coat to even out the random streaks.  Overall I'm so pleased with how much it brightens up the house and makes it look so much more welcoming. 

While I was painting I had three different neighbors stop by to comment on how much better the house looks with the white and I overheard a huge "Wow!" from the husband of one of the neighbors who came over to talk to me so I'm glad the house is generating some positive buzz in the neighborhood! 

I still have to paint the header boards above the porch posts and the one trim board above the living room window because my ladder was just too short for me to be able to reach it.  Then I'm going to sweet talk my boyfriend into painting the peak fascia boards and the shutters and trim around the small window over the top of the living room window.  I also have both sides of the house and the back of the house to go but I really wanted to make an impact by starting with the front of the house.

Can't wait until this rain lets off so I can go back at it again!


  1. It's shaping up real well. Simply an adorable house & it's going to make a great starter home for that newlywed couple just waiting & looking! Super proud of you :)
