Friday, May 30, 2014

Quick, Easy, and Simple Everyday Tablescape

I have a little breakfast nook in my house but honestly I never use it.  I'd much rather eat in front of the TV, which I know is a bad habit but that's just what seems to always happen.  Part of the problem is for a solid year I had things piled on the table from my home remodeling which is what created the habit in the first place.  The silver lining is my table always looks nice and presentable now that it's cleared off. 

Just recently I decided to make it more of a focal piece instead of a place to put groceries and just leave them (the boxed variety not the perishables mind you).  So I dug out some place mats that my mom picked up for me a long time ago and I put my Lilly Pulitzer plates on top of them.

But I still felt they were still missing that little something.  Then I remembered I had some old gold chargers I picked up from Hobby Lobby years ago and never used.  While gold doesn't go with my house....satin nickel does, and I decided to spray paint them with some paint I already had.  Here's what my table looks like now:

I just love how bright and cheerful it looks and the Lilly Pulitzer plates match the blue of my table perfectly!  I even like how the edge of the chargers coincidentally mimic the texture of the placemats. 

I also went to Target to search for some cute yellow paper napkins for my napkin holder and I couldn't believe it when I found exactly what I was looking for in the party section on clearance for $1.  They were the only ones on clearance so I definitely scored that day.  It seems when I have something particular in mind I can never find it so I really lucked out this time!

The entire project cost me $1 and some change for sales tax, everything else I already had on hand.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! Now you're always ready for a meal or company & the groceries will have to go to the
