Friday, May 27, 2016

Update at the Flip House May 27, 2016

It's official!  The flip house is finally done and on the market!  So I had to go through it really quickly to take some photos and post some before and after pics before it sells.  This post will be picture heavy so be prepared.  Here we go!

I still can't believe the house is finally done.  It was such a labor of love for me as well as a huge learning experience both in home remodeling and general life lessons.  As cheesy as it sounds, I'm a different person since taking on this project.  It will be very emotional for me to see it sell because I have developed such an attachment to it because of what it gave me in return.  

Working on it was very therapeutic for me as I was going through the transition of adjusting to single life after ten years of marriage.  It boosted my confidence more than anything else I have ever done in my life and no amount of money could ever give me what this house has given me, so for that I am truly grateful.

A Little Bit of Randomness:
  • I am seriously considering obtaining my real estate license.  It would be nice to be able to buy and sell my own houses (and flip houses) to save on commission fees or even homes for friends and family to make some extra money. I definitely don't want to be a full time realtor but it would be nice to be able to do it on the side just for people I know.    
  • After I obtain my real estate license I may go after my pilot's license.  I would also like to get my CDL, my scuba diving certification, go undercover as a private detective (so I can spy on people with night vision binoculars and carry a gun), be a voice over talent for a commercial or two on the radio or TV, and get my wildlife rehab license.  Those are just some of the things I want to do.  Life is so short and there is so much I want to experience.  I would rather know how to do a million things decently than be an expert at one single thing.  I want to learn how to do everything!
  • Why does it take people so long to make their own fountain drinks at gas stations?  I'm always waiting on the person who first surveys all the flavors as if it's the first time they have been faced with a choice.  Then they put some ice in a cup, shake some ice out, then put in more ice because they shook too much out.  Once they are satisfied with their ice level they fill their cups and let it sit there until all the foam disintegrates.  Once the foam is gone they top it off with 1/8 of an inch more pop.  Then they take a swig and decide they don't like it.  Too flat I guess.  They pour it out and choose another flavor following the same process.  Finally they become aware of their surroundings and realize a line is starting to form.  They decide to go ahead with their second choice in the interest of saving some time, but instead of grabbing a lid and straw and moving off to the side they continue to stand there and take up the whole machine while everyone waits four more minutes for them to put on a lid and shove a straw in there.  Then they stand there a little bit longer to take another sip before turning away from the machine and slowly walking up to the cashier.  Seriously, don't they have more important things to do with their day than spend seven minutes filling up a fountain drink?  Maybe that's what 7 Eleven stands takes people between seven and eleven minutes to fill a dang fountain drink.  Don't even get me started on lotto tickets!   

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