Friday, June 5, 2015

Update at the Flip House June 5, 2015

The linoleum has been installed in both the bathroom and the kitchen and we are currently working on installing the cabinets and fixtures.  Here are some befores:

And here's what it looks like now:

While I'm making progress over there every day, now that the obvious stuff has been completed (i.e. putting up drywall, painting, installing laminate) it looks pretty much the same each week only because I'm now measuring, cutting, and installing all the trim work myself.  For those of you who know, this is very time intensive stuff and the fact that I also have to work my "real" job doesn't leave me a ton of extra time to work on the flip house.  It's a slow process but every day the house gets closer and closer to being completed.  The biggest change will be when the carpets are pulled up.  I'm still just plugging away though and I'm super proud of how it's coming along!

A Little Bit of Randomness:
  • The other day I stepped on a snake.  For those of you who already know, I am TERRIFIED of snakes.  The flip house is known to have several snakes in the yard and my boyfriend (who is also terrified of snakes) saw one within 30 seconds of running the trimmer and he promptly shut it off and told me he was done.  Because the yard hasn't been trimmed yet this year due to the snakes, the weeds are getting out of control along the fence line and up near the house so I decided to go over there with weed killer.  I was so proud of my bravery even though I didn't venture into the back yard.  I just wanted to hit the weeds around the house mostly.  After I was done spraying I was walking back to the front door of the house and I was distracted because I was closing the nozzle of the sprayer.  At that moment I felt something similar to a stick under my shoe only it was squishy.  When I looked down I saw I was standing on a snake and he was wiggling.  I repeat, I WAS STANDING ON A SNAKE.  I am getting sick to my stomach just thinking about it.  This is what the evil little thing looked like (found off the internet, not a real pic of him because I would NEVER purposely get this close to a snake):

This is what I was doing in the driveway after I stepped on him:

And this is what I think of now when I lay my head down at night:

  • The best thing about being a girl at a home improvement store is you have unlimited assistance from employees and shoppers.  I went material shopping today for the flip house and I can't tell you how many offers of help I received including an offer from a patron who said to me, "little lady, do you need help loading those boards in your car?"  And even though I told him I was okay he must have felt so badly for me that he stopped and helped me any way.  I thought it was particularly cute he called me "little lady" too.  Such a nice guy!
  • Jenna, my youngest niece (5 years old), looks like me and the other day she said, "We could be sisters since we look the same."  And now every time I see her she calls me her twin sister and says that she wants to sit by her twin.  It's so cute when they are at that age because they want to be just like someone else they admire who is older than them.

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