Friday, September 19, 2014

An Adult's Review of Act Kids Bubblegum Blowout Mouthwash

Let me preface this post by saying I hate to mess with my teeth.  Basically my oral hygiene routine consists of brushing my teeth at night before bed and that is all my friends.  No morning brushing, no afternoon brushing, no flossing, no mouthwash, no nothin extra.  You see, I've always wanted to be a flosser (the dental kind not the kind described below by Urban Dictionary...although that would be cool too).
To flaunt expensive merchadise such as Iced-out rollies, Jaguars on Triple Golds, Gem-encrusted Pimp goblets, Huge whops of dank hydro, etc.
You can tell that it's Flossin' Season everywhere! (Juvenile, "Flossin' Season")

My dentist said the most important thing to do to keep your gums healthy is floss every day and every time I go in there I get a little lecture about it.  So one day she said, "Okay...if you're not going to floss at least rinse with mouthwash".  So I tried that for a while and hated it.  I even tried an alcohol free version.  Yup, still hated it.  I didn't know what my problem was and why I just couldn't get on the bandwagon until I realized it was the mint taste of the mouthwash.  I'm not a strong mint person and it was just too overpowering and unpleasant an experience for me. 

Long story short (as if we even have hope for that by now) I was in Dollar General the other day and I walked by the toothpaste aisle, not because I needed toothpaste mind you, but because I had to walk by the aisle to enter the store.  All the sudden there it was, a bright pink bottle of mouthwash on the bottom shelf right next to a blue one plastered with a picture of SpongeBob Squarepants. 

The beautiful pink bottle caught my eye and the promise of a Bubblegum Blowout experience in my mouth piqued my interest.  I briefly considered the SpongeBob one but again it had a berry taste so I stuck with my original gut feeling and bought the pink bottle.  Let me tell you this does not disappoint!  I actually look forward to brushing my teeth at night so I can use it.  In fact it's taking all my willpower right now to keep writing this post and not go upstairs to my bathroom and sneak a little sip of it.  Even more fun is it has a little "cup" on the top and all you have to do is squeeze the bottle and it automatically dispenses just the right amount you are supposed to use.  I freaking love that! 

But that's not even the best part.  The best part is the other day I was putting on lip gloss and I smiled at myself in the mirror to check and make sure I didn't have any gloss on my teeth before I left the house and I noticed my teeth looked really white, like abnormally white.  I starting pondering as to what I could have been doing lately to make them look so white and that's when I remembered my new mouthwash routine.  I don't know if mouthwash makes your teeth whiter but I just thought it was odd that I felt my teeth were whiter before I even remembered I'm using mouthwash now. 

Anywhoo, now that I've entered the mouthwash rinser's club I feel so much better about my dental hygiene and am certain the next time I go to the dentist she will be so proud of me.  I think they need to have a little wall of photos dedicated to people who have recently started using mouthwash and an even more special section for the people who use both mouthwash and floss.  I think this would give me something to aspire to because if I knew I'd be getting some type of recognition or maybe an award then I may consider progressing to flossing.  For now the mouthwash is a big step for me though and I just couldn't wait to share it with you all. 

It just goes to show it doesn't matter how old you get, if you need a reward like a little kid to do something you don't want to do then there's no shame in that!  And if you need a bubblegum flavor in your mouth before bed instead of a strong mint one then don't be afraid to buy yourself a kids' version of toothpaste or mouthwash.  No one's here to judge!

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