Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Flip House Update

If you remember back to when I first posted about the flip house this is what the front of it looked like:

And this is what it looks like now:

It looks so much better without that nasty screened in front porch and the indoor/outdoor carpeting!  I figured the weather will dust off those cobwebs so I didn't bother but it looks so much more welcoming now and was such a small change that I think makes a big difference in the overall appearance of the house. 

Don't worry, the downspout will be re-attached as it was screwed into one of the screened in sections so we had to temporarily remove it.  Also we will be painting the posts and trim around the windows a bright white and the stairs, front door, and concrete front porch a sage green color to further brighten things up but for now I think it's a good start!

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