Friday, April 11, 2014

Easter Mantle Decorations

Now that I'm slowly starting to catch up on life and have a little more free time I took a few minutes to snap some shots of my Easter mantle over my fireplace.  So far this is my favorite mantle "look" that I've created.  I was not impressed at all with my Winter Wonderland one so I didn't even take a photo of it.  It's nice to have a setup I actually like and want to share after going months without one.

My mantle wraps around towards the bookcase on the left and then towards the kitchen on the right, and even a little behind the fireplace inside the kitchen so I definitely have a lot of space I need to decorate.  That's why I reach for garland and other "fillers" as they take up a lot of space for very little money.  This time my filler is Spanish moss that I purchased from Hobby Lobby and I even bought some that came on a roll that I wrapped around my TV cords below the set to hide them. 

All the eggs, egg garland, and silk daffodils came from Hobby Lobby at 50% off.  The two butterflies came from Dollar General for $2 and they have clips on the back of them so I clipped one of them to a vase I already had on hand.  And yes, there is a little squirrel peeking at you on the left hand side.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love squirrels?  I bought him for $2-3 during the after Christmas sale at Target but I think he works all year long!

The vase the silk daffodils are in was hand made from a man who lives in a nearby town and makes his own wooden vases and bowls.  I just love it!  The black picture frame is one of those little kid art display frames where you keep their art work inside and can switch it out.  I purchased mine from Amazon and inserted a free printable Easter subway art piece I printed off the internet.

This is the side view as it wraps around into the kitchen.  The plant is an Amaryllis I picked up from Target during their after Christmas sale for $3-4.  It came with the pot which is mostly why I bought it as I find it is the perfect blue color to match my décor!  The flowers have already bloomed but I'm still enjoying the greenery.

And here is the little back section that wraps into my kitchen.  The duck figurine will be mentioned in a upcoming blog post so I won't get too detailed about him here.  And please don't pay any attention to my Bath and Body Works Bunny Slipper peeking out from under the couch.  I think he just wanted to be included in the Easter conversation.

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