Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I don't know what it is, call it Spring Fever, but I have been craving me some yellow.  As in yellow like the sun kind of yellow.  So the other day when I was in Menards picking up some satin nickel spray paint I noticed a bright yellow can of Rustoleum Painter's Touch Ultra Cover Paint & Primer in Sun Yellow on sale for $2.98.  Into my cart it went.  I had plans.

I got home and dug into my "to be spray painted one day bin".  Yes, I really do have a bin in my basement for that purpose and I admit I feel weird typing this right now.  Hey, at least I don't have it labeled as such with my label maker.  That would really make me a weirdo right?

At any rate, I pulled out a picture frame I've been meaning to rework.  Here's a before:

Lovely dark brown and dusty picture frame with nature scenes (i.e. pictures I took myself and pictures my little brother took and gave to me as a gift several years ago).  While I love the photos I don't feel they "go" with my house, nor does the frame.  So I took it apart and spray painted the cream colored mats a bright white.

And painted the frame itself.  It took three coats to get opaque results but I was very pleased with the bright yellow, glossy finish.

As I was waiting for it to dry I Googled watercolor paintings and I printed off a dozen options, narrowed down my choices, and then printed my favorite four on glossy photo paper. 

Then I cut them down to size and after the frame was cured I popped them inside and hung the framed art on my living room wall.

I'm so happy with the end result.  It's so cheerful and colorful and makes me smile when I look at it. 

To the right of the couch is the front door which leads out to a screened in porch so there's not much lighting that comes in from the window in the front door and this corner of the living room is always pretty dark.  I think the yellow helps liven things up a bit. 

Because my home has so many windows throughout it's hard to find places to hang artwork but I think it works just perfect here.  Best of all the total price of the project was $2.98 plus tax so you can't beat that for some new wall art! 

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