Monday, January 13, 2014

Sunglasses Storage Idea

Today I was inspired to share an inexpensive tip on my blog for storing multiple sunglasses.  I've used this method for years and it works so well I've never wanted to change it which is unusual for me because I'm always thinking of ways to make things better, even if they work just fine as they are.

In the past I've purchased actual storage pieces designed to hold sunglasses.  You know, the kind that they use at trade shows or displays in stores.  I've tried many different pieces but was never happy with the results.  They either made accessing my sunglasses difficult or they took up too much counter space. 

We all have wall space and I'm sure you've seen those little boards with the criss cross ribbons for storing photos and memorabilia.  One day I just got so frustrated with my sunglass situation I grabbed the board that I was using to store my random photos and decided to hang my sunglasses on it by looping the arm pieces onto the ribbon.  It worked perfectly!  And best of all I reused something I already had so it didn't cost me a cent.

Here's what mine looks like:

I keep mine in my closet right inside the door so when I'm ready to leave the house I just pick and pair and go.  Other good spots for them are right by your house door, particularly if you have a mud room or command center so that when you are coming and going their "home" is right there. 

This is such a quick, easy, and cheap way to store your sunglasses if you have more than one pair or have several members of your family who wear sunglasses.  These little boards can be found pretty much at any store, Target, Walmart, Hobby Lobby, etc... or you can make your own with a cheap piece of board, cloth, and ribbon for those crafty DIYers!

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