Thursday, February 16, 2017

Friday Favorite - Best Way I Have Found to Suppress My Appetite

For those who don't know (which pretty much includes 99% of the people reading this right now) I have been on a Jillian Michaels DVD binge that started last Spring.  It's no lie she's America's toughest trainer, however one bad side effect of pushing myself so hard is I am STARVING after I work out.  In fact I lost about 14 pounds in a little over a month when I started this workout but then hit a plateau as I was basically eating the calories I was burning off during my work out because I was so freaking hungry all the time!

During the period I was experiencing this phenomenon I watched this video of one of my fav YouTubers and she mentioned she was taking the Fit Miss Burn Supplements to help her in her fitness journey.  I have taken supplements in the past that promised appetite suppressing capabilities but legit did absolutely nothing for me, so while I kept her recommendation in the back of my mind as something to look into, I basically did nothing about it.  That was until a month later when I was perusing the aisles of Walgreens and came across two bottles of the supplements in the clearance section for $5.  These are $25 bottles originally so I figured it would be a great way to try it out and if they didn't work out for me it wouldn't be a big deal.

This stuff worked for me on the very first day I used it, and trust me when I say stuff like this generally doesn't work for me.  Basically you take two pills with an 8 oz glass of water 30-45 minutes before breakfast and/or lunch.  I eat breakfast as soon as I get up so I only take it before lunch which means one bottle will last me 45 days.  Most days I work out right before lunch so I will take two pills and guzzle water during my workout, take a shower, then eat.  I have noticed a huge difference in my appetite on days I take the pills.  I say on days I take the pills because there have been days (especially in the beginning) that I've forgotten to take the pills and then wondered why in the heck I'm so hungry all day long until I think back and remember I didn't take my pills.  My only wish is that I could take them before supper to help me manage my food intake at night, but hey...beggars can't be choosers!

I have taken several bottles of these and I usually buy them off Amazon here as they are a lot cheaper than retail cost.  Seriously though, I probably never would have tried these if it weren't for the YouTube video I watched followed by finding these at such a cheap price at Walgreens, but I'm so glad I did.  I feel like if they are going to work for you then you will notice a difference right away which is nice because if they don't work for you then you don't have to keep wasting money on something in the hopes that they will start making a difference in a few months.  If you end of taking them or have taken them in the past, leave a comment down below and tell me what you think of them.  I'm very curious to know, did they work for you as well as they did for me?

A Little Bit of Randomness:
  • I recently got back from a trip to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico and its snowing here.  I want to go back.  Like, right now. 
  • Daisy likes to eat any bird seed dropping on the floor from Gizmo if I don't vacuum it up fast enough.  And then she coughs for days until she sounds like a goose honking and it gets on my nerves.  I want to go back to Mexico.
  • Have I ever mentioned how much I love Beck's Hybrids?  If I was a farmer I would buy my seed from them.  They know how to put on a vacation!   

Affiliate links used.  Not a sponsored post.

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