Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What Happened To My House!?!

Surprise!  I painted it!  I decided to paint it last month during the time I was staining the oak floors at the flip house since I had to wait for coats to dry over there.  Plus we had nice weather during the time so I felt like it was now or never, especially since I've wanted/needed to paint the house since the day I moved in.  I painted it all by myself too and while it was total misery during the process, I felt such a sense of relief and accomplishment after it was all over.  It took me an entire week from start to finish and would have gone SO much faster if I didn't have to scrape about five layers of white paint that was peeling off of the wood siding before I could apply the new color. 

Below is what it looks like now.  Can you spot the cute little dog peeking out of the window on the left?

I didn't want to paint it white again and I was back and forth between a sage green color and a blue/gray color since I felt those two colors would look best with the existing roof shingles.  I finally settled on the blue/gray although during the daytime it looks more blue than gray but that's okay.  I really love the new look of it! 
I do still have to paint the white trim around the windows and on the front porch because the paint is also peeling in some areas there so I need to scrape it and put a new coat of white on it.  I think I will wait until Spring before I tackle that project since it's practically Winter here now.  For now though I'm just happy to have a change in color.  I think it looks so much better and less like an elderly person lives in it!

Here's a side by side of what it used to look like when I first moved in and what it looks like now:

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