Her name is Daisy May Puppé. I added the last name and it's pronounced Pup-ay so that it rhymes with May. I tell people she's French. She's a blonde Yorkie and was not a planned member of my family. I was happy with my animal situation as I had a total of five pets, all of who live outdoors with the exception of my pet bird, Gizmo.
One day I was perusing Craigslist and up popped a photo of Daisy and someone was trying to sell her for $300. In her ad photo they were holding her the same way Mr. Bush was holding this baby only minus the goofy expression:
I felt sorry for her and hoped she would find a good home. A week later her ad popped up on my screen again and this time they were asking for $200. I thought briefly about adopting her because I've always wanted a Yorkie and didn't even know that blonde ones existed....plus I felt like we could totally be twinsies. But again I told myself no because I have enough animals to take care of already.
The following week there she was again for $100 and mind you, I was not seeking her out or looking for animals. She just kept popping up on my screen and every time she did I felt worse and worse for her. I was sure her next stop would be the local pound because they were obviously trying to get rid of her and fast. I thought about it all day and decided to wait until the following morning and if they still had her it was meant to be and I would go get her. So I emailed the lady the following morning (a Fri) and she confirmed she still had Daisy and that she was getting ready to go out of town that morning so she wanted her re-homed if at all possible by 9 am. I told her I could meet her right away and then I never heard back from the woman.
My first thought was the woman just had so much to do before she went out of town that she didn't have time to sell a dog. So I waited until Sunday (so as not to be a pest) and emailed her again and the owner said that she already sold her to a woman who was interested in her Thursday night but didn't know if she would be able to pick up Daisy before 9 a.m. I was annoyed because it would have been nice for the owner to tell me this, sad because all weekend I was getting more and more excited and used to the idea of having another dog in my family, and relieved because adopting a dog is a big responsibility that I was not prepared for.
I thought about Daisy often over the next few days and hoped she was living in a good home and not with some whack-a-doo. And then I saw something I feared in the back of my head all along. There were pictures of a dog for sale on Craigslist that looked like Daisy asking $300 for her. Luckily I still had the email of the original owner and I emailed her with the link asking if it was the same dog she just sold. She confirmed it was and was so angry she called the woman she sold Daisy to and told her she knew what she was doing and that she knew someone (me) willing to give her a good home and for the woman to do the right thing and sell Daisy to me for the same price she paid. Fortunately for me the woman agreed, I was given her phone number, and I met her right away that morning. I didn't want poor little Daisy to spend one more second with someone who would try to make money off of her.
And that's the story of how Daisy came to live with me. The best thing is she is the most precious, cuddliest, sweetest, smartest little dog I have ever owned! She was not taken care of at all and she has lived in at least four homes that I know of for sure. She's itty bitty at 11 pounds and she's six years old and spayed but I have no idea when she was last taken to get shots. When I took her to the vet her doctor was so in love with her that she kept holding her and giving Daisy kisses on her head and face. I've never had a vet do that with any of my other pets and it was just so sweet.
The bad news is that Daisy was so neglected that she has a mammary tumor that is scheduled to be removed on Dec. 2 (thank goodness for pet health insurance). Her teeth also have a lot of tartar on them and when the vet puts her under to remove the tumor she's going to clean her teeth as well to prevent periodontal disease. She did get an x-ray during her wellness exam and the vet said she didn't see anything on the x-ray indicating that her tumor was cancerous so although Daisy won't feel very good after her surgery she should have a clean bill of health soon.
Below is Daisy in her rain coat before a potty break while it was raining. Yup, I guess I'm one of those women who puts coats on a dog but in my defense she likes it because it keeps her dry!
Daisy in her favorite spot which is on my lap even if I'm wearing work pants.
I just love her!
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